OMV Norway takes advantage from a powerful engineering tool

‘OMV Norway has been an important partner to Oliasoft and users of Oliasoft WellDesign, and we highly appreciate that OMV believed in our solution from an early stage - something that has helped shape the software into what it is today. Their invaluable feedback continues to inform product development.’
OMV’s challenge
Oliasoft was founded just as OMV Norway was looking for new tools to improve their well planning process, opening possibilities to streamline the company’s procedures and facilitate the work of its engineers.
Our partnership
Identifying the possibilities opened by Oliasoft WellDesign, OMV Norway worked closely with us to review every WellDesign module - Trajectory Design, Casing Design, Tubing Design, Hydraulics and Surge & Swab, Torque & Drag and Blowout & Kill - helping us to refine the platform’s usability, functionality and workflow.
The result is a fully integrated cloud-based platform that calculates each step in the well design workflow, giving engineers a 360 degree view allowing for swift, iterative development.
Oliasoft WellDesign’s intuitive interface and clear workflow makes it easy to get projects off the ground. Users can rapidly refine possible well planning scenarios, letting WellDesign do the work of recalculating the entire process in response to design adjustments.
With its ease of use and capacity for swift, iterative design, Oliasoft WellDesign is firmly established at the heart of OMV Norway’s well planning process.